Online classes will be in both english and telugu languages.


Sunday, 31 May 2020

Confirmed case of covid-19 in sadasivpet,Sangareddy distirc.

A women in 14th ward of Sadasivpet tests positive for covid-19 . Smt.H.M.Spandana CommissionerSadasivapet Municipality A women in 14th ward of Sadasivpet tests positive for covid-19 efforts are on to trace people who came in contact with her. With this Sadasivpet town reported the first case of covid-19.Concerned department will be is taking necessary...

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Telangana Degree and PG Examinations from 20 june 2020.telangana b.tech Examinations,TSCHE guidelines.b.tech examinations in telangana.

Telangana state degree and PG final exams to be held from 20 june 2020 To watch the video on same topic please click here. A press note has been release by TSCHE( Telangana State Council of Higher Education) issued guidelines. In view of the prevailing situation due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, the schedule of conducting...