Saturday, 12 September 2020

TS EAMCET 2020 Rank Predictor By sadvu bidda

IPE Marks(1st & 2nd Year only Group Subjects,(MATHS-PHYSICS-CHEMISTRY),include 2nd year practicals also out of 600) =
Eamcet 2020 (marks out of 160) =

Combined score =
JNTU Hyderabad conducts the Telangana Engineering Agriculture Medical Common Entrance Examination (TS EAMCET) every year on the behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education or (TSCHE). The entrance exam is in progress from September 09 and ends on september 14 2020 for engineering stream and for medcince strarts from 28 and same will ends on september 29, 2020. All those who appeared for the engineering paper can predict their TS EAMCET 2019 rank as well as expected score using a new tool introduced by sadvubidda. by using this estimated rank the candidate may start preparing for the counselling process. On the contrary, those who get a low rank, need to keep other options open. Candidates should, however, note that the results they get with the help of this tool will be indicative and may not be 100% accurate. They must wait for the actual results to take their final decisions. All the best for your results. The TS EAMCET 2020 Rank Predictor by team sadvubidda tool is a awesome option for all those who want to get a basic idea of their performance in the test and the TS EAMCET B.Tech 2020 rank. With the help of TS EAMCET Rank Predictor by sadvubidda ,students will be able to get an idea about their  ranks before actual results are announced. On the basis of their predicted ranks, candidates will be able to decide on their future course of action in advance and will not have to wait for the results to do so.

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  1. Sir i got 58 marks in eamcet. I was expecting a rank below 35000.Which college should i prefer.

    1. you haven't mentioned your branch in which you want to join.
      with 50 marks you will be getting a good collage if you have any reservation.
      you can watch all my videos of top 10 engineering college so that you can get an idea of the college you will be getting with your rank.

    2. I got 58 marks and I want to take either CSE or Biotechnology brank engineering can I get in any good collegea

  2. Sir I got 39 Mark's and in intermediate I got 591 can I get rank on eamcet??

    1. yes if you have any kind of reservation.

    2. Sir iam getting below 40 sir actually I got 45 marks in eamcet and 324 in intermediate in three subjects what is my score sir

  3. Bro I got 62 marks in ts eamcet and I got 576/600 .iam an oc candidate,what rank can I expect

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sir I've got 40 marks and 549 ipe marks my reservation is sc..plz predict my rank

  6. Sir I got 50 marks in my eamcet as my paper was on september 14 shift 1 it was tough I got 559 in ipe and I want to chose civil engineering I belong to bc d category can I get jntu sultanpur or manthani?

  7. I have got 64 marks in TS eamcet and 579 in ipe ,and I am BC.B I need CSE which college is better and how munch rank I would get

    1. try to get into to top 15 colleges.
      you may get aroung 20000 rank

  8. My daughter get in ts emcet 75 marks and 571 marks in ipe which rank is coming?

  9. i got combined score of ipe and eamcet as 59.58333 and want mechanical branch will i get jntuh or osmina?

  10. if you have reservation you can get in top 10 colleges but in osmania/jntu its difficult.

  11. I got 53 marks in eamcet and 592 in ipe
    Can i expect a seat in top 10 colleges in cse group and i belong to bc-b

  12. I got 53 marks in eamcet and 592 in ipe can i expect a seat in top 10 engineerjng colleges for cse group
    I belong to bc-b

  13. I got combined score of 42.90 and I have EWS certificate .How much rank can I expect....

  14. Sir i got 47 marks and 550 in ipe i am a bce candidate. How much rank can i expect???

  15. Sir I got 51.343 what clg I will gett

  16. Hloo sir. I got 68 marks in ts eamcet n I got 587/600 in ipe. I belong to BC-B category. What would be my expected rank? 🙏plssss reply sir 😢

  17. Hloo sir. I got 68 marks in ts eamcet and 587/600 in ipe. I belong to BC-B category. What would be my expected rank?? Plssssss reply sir..

  18. Hloo sir. I got 68 marks in ts eamcet and 587/600 in ipe. I belong to BC-B category. What would be my expected rank ??? Plssssss reply sir.. .

  19. Bro u got 56 marks in eamcet and 578 in ipe out of 600 I want to choose cse branch Ian an oc candidate can I get rank below 30000 plz reply me bro and I don't have any reservation

  20. I got 50 marks( 14 September) in the eamcet and 559 in ipe I belong to bc d can I get jntu sultanpur or manthani civil engineering

  21. Bro I got 67 marks in eamcet and 599 out of 600 for group subjects including practicals ...calculate my rank please..

  22. Sir I got 51 marks in eamcet and 545 in ipe . I belong to bc-a category . What could my expected rank Sir. Could I get seat in a top clg

  23. Sir, I got 50 marks in eamcet and 592 in ipe. what could my expected rank sir. Could I get better clg

  24. bro i got 100 marks in eamcet and 567/600..which rank can i expect .???

  25. Sir,i got 52 marks in AP EAMCET and 504 in AP IPE.....what would be my AP EAMCET rank sir???

  26. I got 43 in eamcet and 487 in groups which rank I will get

  27. Sir i secured 61 marks in medical emcet and i secured 574/600 which colleges can i prefer and what will be my rank
